Friday, July 13, 2012

For the section on Divorce and Remarriage we had to watch these two videos that helped us understand the realistic and unrealistic situations that a step family can face. The first part of the two videos was hard for me to watch. Number one, the kids probably should have realized that Roberto where in the room and that what they were saying could/would hurt his feelings. But I think that it was completely unacceptable for Roberto to react the way he did.  He is an adult and I felt that it was very childish of him to respond the way he did. He should realize that what he said is not going to make the kids like him anymore then they already do. The second video really frustrated me to. I know that all these situations are hypothetical. But I also understand that they are real problems for alot of people. I don't know how I would react if I were really in their situations, but watching these different scenes made the right and wrong choice super obvious to me and it made me feel like these adults where not thinking about things the way they should. Or maybe they should just take this class and all of their problems will go away.


I have been super blessed in my life. There has never really been any huge crisis that my family has had to face. I mean, yes, there have been alot of health problems, and even some deaths. But none of those deaths were super close to me. My mother did have cancer, but I was really young and so I don't really remember it and how hard it was for everyone. I have seen alot of families that I know go through a crisis and it is really interesting to see how one family differs from another, and how you r backgrounds cant really effect how you cope with such tragic things. One of the girls I went to church with lost her mother when he was about 8, and then when we were in high school her older brother died. It was really hard to watch their family struggle of lose there brother and son, but it was also so awesome to see there lives change then cope with it. I dont think I have ever observed people deal with something so hard so well. They really inspired me to be grateful  for the life that I have.
Chapter 7 of the Marriage and Family is all about selecting a life partner. Which is perfect because that is exactly where I am in my life right now. (not that I am searching desperately to find the right guy, but when he come along I want to know that he is the right choice for me, and I dont want to make any dumb decisions). There is a part in the chapter that talks about arranged marriages and I just am super grateful that I live in a culture where that is not really practiced, the only people that really do it in the United States are the immigrants from other countries. On that same page it has a this kids list of qualities that he wants in his future spouse, and it got me thinking about the qualities that i want in my eternal companion. And it was crazy how alike our two lists where. I really liked this chapter.

Who Knew?

So this week in my Family Relations class we talked alot about the Myths of marriage and family. In the reading it talked about intimacy, and I think that part was more interesting to me. Understand that when I say intimacy... I don't mean intimacy. I'm talking more about the relationships we have with our fellow men, like friends and family. "Intimacy is a need, not an option" I loved loved loved this! I personally am quite an intimate person. I looooooooove the people that I love (if that's not obvious). But I also think that intimacy can become a weakness. Its good to be intimate with people, but I think that it can reach a point where you can become almost... obsessed. That is all you can think about. And if that person hurts you, you just cannot move on with your life. anyway, that is just my 2 cents about intimacy.

I just finished watching the video "All you need is cash" from People like us, and I was surprised at how much of what these people were saying I agreed with. I was not expecting that when I looked at the tittle of the video.  One of the guys in the video talks about how he feels like he has the best of all things, but that he was proud of it, because he had worked so hard to get there. And I really respect that. Another man came up on the screen and was laughing and talking about how he couldn't believe that anyone else had any money because that small group of people were not just making millions... but billions. It surprised me how funny he thought that was. Some thing that was kind of annoying in the video was in the very beginning when the older rich lady was driving around in the car. The way she talked set me on edge, she seems so judgmental of everyone around her( which i know is me judging her... i am just trying to get my point across... haha), and she made it sound like she believed that if you dont have money you are basically nothing and good for nothing.  Something I thought was interesting was the man... towards the end... haha I cant remember his name, he talked about how money does not necessarily guarantee your acceptance of these upper class people. And that is something that i never really thought about. I always felt like if you had money you were automatically accepted by that group of specific people. Basicallly this video made me really glad that I am not in that upper upper class. I dont want money to be everything in my life. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My First Post EVER!

Testing... Testing... 1..2..3...
So I realize that my blog name makes me sound... weird... and maybe just a little bit desperate, but I told my roommate about the class and I asked her what i should name it... I LOVE BABIES. But, its true. I do love babies. Anyway, I am super excited about this class and I cant wait to learn all about the family and how it functions! (hopefully we will learn about babies also? maybe?)