Friday, July 13, 2012

I just finished watching the video "All you need is cash" from People like us, and I was surprised at how much of what these people were saying I agreed with. I was not expecting that when I looked at the tittle of the video.  One of the guys in the video talks about how he feels like he has the best of all things, but that he was proud of it, because he had worked so hard to get there. And I really respect that. Another man came up on the screen and was laughing and talking about how he couldn't believe that anyone else had any money because that small group of people were not just making millions... but billions. It surprised me how funny he thought that was. Some thing that was kind of annoying in the video was in the very beginning when the older rich lady was driving around in the car. The way she talked set me on edge, she seems so judgmental of everyone around her( which i know is me judging her... i am just trying to get my point across... haha), and she made it sound like she believed that if you dont have money you are basically nothing and good for nothing.  Something I thought was interesting was the man... towards the end... haha I cant remember his name, he talked about how money does not necessarily guarantee your acceptance of these upper class people. And that is something that i never really thought about. I always felt like if you had money you were automatically accepted by that group of specific people. Basicallly this video made me really glad that I am not in that upper upper class. I dont want money to be everything in my life. 

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