Friday, July 13, 2012

I have been super blessed in my life. There has never really been any huge crisis that my family has had to face. I mean, yes, there have been alot of health problems, and even some deaths. But none of those deaths were super close to me. My mother did have cancer, but I was really young and so I don't really remember it and how hard it was for everyone. I have seen alot of families that I know go through a crisis and it is really interesting to see how one family differs from another, and how you r backgrounds cant really effect how you cope with such tragic things. One of the girls I went to church with lost her mother when he was about 8, and then when we were in high school her older brother died. It was really hard to watch their family struggle of lose there brother and son, but it was also so awesome to see there lives change then cope with it. I dont think I have ever observed people deal with something so hard so well. They really inspired me to be grateful  for the life that I have.

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